Sunday 15 January 2017

808's & Heart break

I need to know how people get back to being normal after being lied to repeatedly, it gives a whole new meaning to forgiveness cos u have been in a relationship with someone for over 2 years and you screw up how do you get back up. I used the word screw up cos we are all humans and we are prone to making mistakes. There is no perfect relationship or perfect boyfriend ET Al.  Along the line you may find someone new that's speaks to the parts of your soul that was dead and awakens so many hidden parts of your life, a life you were fine with just some few months ago and all of a sudden you  want more but you can't have that since you are in a relationship.  Cheating  sucks and lying sucks too but what happens when you want more. But a relationship is all about making sacrifices,  but don't sacrifice your happiness for anything or anyone.  it's been 7days since my latest mishap and I hope to God I can rebuild all I have destroyed ignorantly

Friday 13 January 2017

Good morning

I woke up this morning with an aura of happiness and joy, it's like I know today will be better than yesterday. I don't think anyone will ever come across this or read this but every single day I will try to be a better version of myself. Putting others first is step one.  My last quarter will be better.

Fuck boy Chronicles

Yoruba demons, fuck boys etc I guess we brought them to 2017, I guess people treat them they you treat them or the personality you show them.  I mean if you sound desperate or more like a gold digger you will be the only one that will be digged.  Girls our perspective about relationships need to change so you can meet your Prince Charming,  don't date your husband and marry your boyfriend cos that will be the beginning of the end.  The guy you call a fuck boy today be the CEO tomorrow. A woman should be a man's peace,ponder on that there is more to human hair and make up plus cars and houses. One step at a time honey. 

Feeling Good😊

I was listening to Nina Simone and I had an epiphany,  it's a new dawn,  it's a new day,  it's a new life for me. And I am feeling good those are her words.  This is a new year and a lot of mistakes where made but it's all different stages of growing up and at least we all have an idea about where we are headed.  Freedom is yours cos the key to your happiness is in your hands and only you can open the door. You may go online and view posts and comment but really how are you feeling today?  Coz that's what will determine how your tomorrow will be.  The choices you have made needs to push you to do better.

Memories of bored Nigerian

A lot goes on when our mobile data goes off or expires, and I just sit and wonder what's next.  Cos our social media is just a mirage and despite the number of accounts you follow it's a happiness that is limited. As a young Nigerian what matters to you besides ranting in comment sections. The relationship consultants and relationship blogs on instagram and facebook can only publish your stories but we are the only ones that know how the struggle continues, it's amazing you want advice from peeps you have never met while you lie next to your spouse. Lack of communication is the reason for most relationships ending cos u would rather chat online that cuddle or talk about your problems.  I respect the efforts made on the owners of the blog but do u feel like you helping anyone. Daily we struggle with our own demons and I believe you are the only that can deal with your demons on your way to redemption.